Büro zur Miete: 1 Cours Aristide Briand, Bordeaux

1 Cours Aristide Briand

0/5 (0)
Bus République (5 Minuten zu Fuß)

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Über den Büroraum auf 1 Cours Aristide Briand

Exceptional address near the Place de la République and the City Hall Flexas offers you a space on 2 levels with an outdoor terrace.

Flexas offers you private and shared office rental solutions, company domiciliation and meeting rooms. This place dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in Bordeaux is ideally located a few hundred meters from the Bordeaux City Hall and the Place de la Victoire or the famous Capucins market.

Standort und Erreichbarkeit

44.8321937, -0.5790737
Nächstgelegene öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Zug Bordeaux Saint-Jean [ 26 Minuten zu Fuß ]
Bus République [ 5 Minuten zu Fuß ]

1 Cours Aristide Briand 33000 Bordeaux

Sophie Lloung
Jennifer Buckley
Office advisor

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