This was 2019 for Flexas.com

2019 in a nutshell
A year that's flown by again. A year in which we have made steps in Europe once again. We are making a name for ourselves abroad and that is certainly shown in the number of deals.
The most read blog & most visited office space
- The most read blog of 2019 is: How many m2 of office space do you need? A question that is still unclear for many entrepreneurs.
- The most visited office on our website is: Hofplein 20, Rotterdam. This office in Rotterdam already won the outstanding office space award in 2018. This office in the centre of Rotterdam is a really popular office on our website.
We started 2019 with the launch of Flexas.com France. After we had already rolled out in Belgium and Germany it was now time to conquer the market in France.

In June, our own Colin Westerneng ranked 12th in the top 100 best real estate networkers in the Netherlands. We are of course very proud that his name can be found among this prestigious list.

The Flexas.com Provada Boat Trip got canceled. The popular Flexas.com Boat Trip unfortunately could not take place due to the bad weather during the Provada in June.
However... we obviously moved it to a later time. Once again a great success in which we were able to talk with our clients again.

In August it was finally time for the billboard advertising on the roof of our Headquarters. After a long wait the day had finally arrived. The Flexas.com logo along the A10 (the busiest highway point in the Netherlands).

In September we reached the 1000 reviews at the Feedbackcompany. An achievement of which we are of course very proud. We are the first online platform for office spaces (worldwide) to achieve the 1000 reviews. With an average score of 9.0 / 10.0 this is of course very impressive. For us another confirmation of the market shift. On many websites we found articles about this achievement.

The first outstanding office space awards in Belgium. Landlords in Belgium have done their very best last year to collect reviews for their offices. This has led to the presentation of the first Outstanding Office Space Awards in Belgium.

2019 was also the year of our fifth FD gazelle award in a row. The award of the Financieel Dagblad, which selects the best growing companies in the Netherlands on the basis of turnover growth, among other things, and presents them with the award. For us this was the fifth year in a row that we are one of the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands. Colin Westerneng and Didier Paardekooper received the award.

2019 is now almost over. There are still a lot of deals to come in, but we can already say that Q4 has been our best quarter ever.
Thanks to everyone for this amazing year. We wish everyone a great 2020.