Office space for rent: Santvoortbeeklaan 25, Antwerp

Santvoortbeeklaan 25

0/5 (0)
Train Antwerpen-Centraal (58 mins walk)
On private property or garage


20m2 - 260m2

Available surface

24/7 access

24-hour access to offices

Flexible monthly upscaling

Scale-up as your business grows


Personalized advice
Personalized advice
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Free of charge
We do not charge for our help and advice. You only pay the price of your new office.
Easy and quick
Easy and quick
Don't lose time: We can schedule and do viewings the same day!

About the office space on Santvoortbeeklaan 25

Want to rent an office in Antwerp? Choose this office on Santvoortbeeklaan 25. In this office building, multiple office spaces are available for renting. You can get a beautiful office with all the basic needs. The building is very secured, you can access 24/7 and there is a phone and Internet connection. Besides that, there is a lot in the area to improve your workday.


Location and accessibility

51.2365569, 4.4690916
Nearest public transport
Train Antwerpen-Centraal [ 58 mins walk ]
On private property or garage

Santvoortbeeklaan 25 2100 Antwerp

About the area

When you choose this office building, you can enjoy the comforts of the city, without the bustle of the traffic. The building is located on the border of Antwerp-North, close to Exit 2 Deurne. There is also a bus station around the corner if you or your visitors come with public transportation.

In the closeby area you can find different shops, like Aldi and Lidl. Wijnegem Shopping Center is less than 10 minutes away by car for more choice in shops.

If you want to get some fresh air, you can take a short break in the park Breemweide.

Thorin Goezinne
Office advisor
"With my accumulated knowledge in the office market, I will help you find a suitable office space quickly and to your liking."


Lunch facilities

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