Office space for rent: Dreischeibenhaus 1, Düsseldorf

Dreischeibenhaus 1

0/5 (0)
Train Düsseldorf Central Station (19 mins walk)
On private property or garage


5m2 - 200m2

Available surface

Reception included

Give clients a warm welcome

Meeting rooms available

Multiple rentable meeting rooms

24/7 access

24-hour access to offices

Fibre internet

Super fast fibre optic internet

Flexible monthly upscaling

Scale-up as your business grows


Personalized advice
Personalized advice
Our office specialists will help you find your perfect office.
Totally free search
Free of charge
We do not charge for our help and advice. You only pay the price of your new office.
Easy and quick
Easy and quick
Don't lose time: We can schedule and do viewings the same day!

About the office space on Dreischeibenhaus 1

Are you looking for prestigious office space above the rooftops of Dusseldorf?

Then opt for the tastefully furnished office space, meeting and conference rooms on the 14th floor of the Dreischeibenhaus. The premises are bright and friendly. The atmosphere calm and professional. The service team will assist you during office hours with words and deeds.

Location and accessibility

51.2280009, 6.7822471
Nearest public transport
Subway Düsseldorf-Bilk [ 33 mins walk ]
Train Düsseldorf Central Station [ 19 mins walk ]
Bus Am Steinberg [ 42 mins walk ]
On private property or garage

Dreischeibenhaus 1 40211 Düsseldorf

About the area

The Dreischeibenhaus is a city-known building in Düsseldorf. It is located right in the city center, just a stone's throw away from the Königsallee. The traffic connection is perfect. Public transport is in the immediate vicinity and the airport can be easily reached by taxi in less than 30 minutes. Are you or your customers going by car? Car parking spaces are located directly at the building. The Nobel-Restaurant 'Phoenix' is located on the ground floor of the Dreischeibenhaus.

Melina Stenger
Office advisor


Pantry / Kitchen
Storage space
Rooftop terrace
Relaxation Area
Parcel pickup point
Lunch facilities
Climate control system
Cleaning service
Wheelchair accessibility

What tenants and visitors say about this office

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